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Division Of Assets & Debts In A Divorce

In this article, you can discover:

  • How properties and assets are typically divided during a divorce in New York.
  • The significance of equitable distribution in dividing debts.
  • The risks of handling your divorce without professional legal guidance.

How Does New York Determine The Division Of Properties And Assets In A Divorce?

In New York, the division of properties and assets is based on 21 distinct factors to ensure an equitable distribution. While "equitable" often means an equal division, there can be cases where a 50-50 split isn't appropriate. In such instances, these factors will determine a different distribution.

Is The Division Of Debts Handled Similarly To Assets In New York?

Yes, the division of debts follows the same equitable distribution standards as assets.

What Are The Risks Of Managing Your Divorce Without An Experienced New York Family Law Team?

Handling your divorce or family law matters without an experienced attorney can lead to significant missteps. If not approached correctly from the beginning, you might find yourself in a position where you've unintentionally harmed your case. Even if you later decide to hire an attorney, rectifying past mistakes might be challenging.

How Crucial Is The Role Of An Attorney In Representing My Case?

First impressions in court are pivotal. If you, or even an improperly chosen attorney, don't represent your case adequately, the court may form an unfavorable perception of your situation. This can influence the case's outcome, often not in the way the parties involved had hoped for.

Seeking the right professional guidance from the onset is essential to ensure your rights and interests are best represented throughout the divorce process. For more information on the Division Of Assets & Debts In A Divorce, an initial consultation is your next best step.

Experienced New York Family law Attorney - Dana Herrington, Esq.

Call To Schedule A Consultation 

(716) 220-7529

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